Porcelains, majolica, ceramics
By number of specimens this collection is the largest in the Museum; made up of about two hundred pieces, some of these authentic masterpieces. It includes examples of decorated Renaissance pieces; French porcelain from the Napoleonic era; 17th and 18th century pharmacy plates and containers; large neo-Renaissance vases and small 19th century clay sculptures.
The splendid majolica plate that originally belonged to the service of Isabella d'Este is one of the twenty-two surviving specimens, made by Nicola da Urbino between 1519 and 1525.
Among the most significant centrepieces is the "gala service" of the Miniscalchi-Erizzo family, consisting of one hundred and three pieces of porcelain decorated with bird figures, butterflies and fruit, produced by the prestigious Parisian manufacturer Darte aîné.