To find out about our educational proposals, book a virtual meeting or in the Museum at 045/8032484 or by writing to
The Miniscalchi-Erizzo Museum, owned by the Foundation of the same name, is located in the heart of the ancient city, between Piazza Erbe and the Duomo. The building from which the Museum is accessed represents a jewel of late Gothic architecture unique in the Veronese urban context. The façade is precious, frescoed around 1590, according to a widespread taste in the Verona of the sixteenth century.
The Palazzo and the buildings that over time were added to the original body of the building were the stately home of the noble Miniscalchi family who lived there for five centuries until 1977, when the Museum Foundation became operational.
The museum itinerary, set in the rooms of the ancient residence, is divided into sixteen rooms characterized by specific collections: paintings, small Renaissance bronzes, archaeological collections, Russian icons, an ancient library, weapons and armour of the fifteenth / sixteenth century, sacred art and a domestic chapel, the reconstituted “Wunderkammer” by Ludovico Moscardo (17th century), 18th century Venetian furnishings, ivory, majolica and porcelain.

Visit to the Museum
A fascinating journey through time through five centuries, to discover the Miniscalchi-Erizzo family, their noble residence and the art collections they have collected.
The visit is suitable for everyone and may vary according to the age and specific interests of the participants. It is possible to agree in advance any thematic insights.
1 h e 30 min | last year kindergarten; primary; secondary level I and II

Find the clue ... get to know the Museum
Puzzle games and encounters with historical figures will help us understand what makes every single object kept in the Museum truly “precious”.
2 h | Primary School; lower secondary school

Portraits of family
The history and events of the Miniscalchi and the Erizzo families will be told through the precious portraits preserved in the Museum. At the end of the visit, the workshop foresees the realization by each child of their own "Family Portrait".
About 1 hour guided tour only; 2 h with laboratory | Primary School; secondary school level I and II

Representing the world
We will talk about travels, discoveries, exotic worlds and how to reach them through astronomical measuring instruments and cartographic representations. The proposed laboratory will consist in the creation of a map with the help of some ancient and modern topographic devices.
About 1 hour guided tour only; 2 h with primary school laboratory | secondary school level I and II

Wunderkammer: the chamber of wonders of Ludovico Moscardo
Exotic plants and animals, stones of different shapes and colours, antiquities and historical relics, basilisks and unicorn teeth were some of the objects present in the collection of Ludovico Moscardo, a scholar from Verona of the seventeenth century. The activity will consist of a visit to the Moscardo collection and the creation of one's own “chamber of wonders”.
About 1 hour guided tour only; 2 h with laboratory | Primary School; secondary school

The Palazzo in Via San Mamaso and the Miniscalchi Chapel in Santa Anastasia
A tour that starts from Palazzo Miniscalchi - seat of the museum - with a visit to the collections. Then you will walk the stretch that separates it from the Church of Santa Anastasia, inserting both in the urban context in which they are located. Once in Santa Anastasia, we will visit in particular the Miniscalchi Chapel and the frescoes that decorate it (16th century).
About 3 h | secondary school level I and II